Our Great Story & Song Book of Poland
The Most Powerful Work of Art in all
1000 Years of Polish History - see it here
Cheeky monkey, sits there waiting,
Hiding underneath a table,
Seeing once her madam bathing,
To go swimming she feels able.
Out the bathroom madam goes;
Crazy monkey – thar she blows!
Having donned a shower cap,
With some soap
On a rope -
Boom! Under the tap.
With the knobs she starts to fight!
Twisting left, closing right,
From below, up on high,
Waters spurting from the pipe.
Lovely - gorgeous - such a high!
“Here is heaven,” monkey sighs.
Tumbling, diving, twisting madly,
Splashing badly,
Waters frothing such a lot!
Though heat rising, now alas...
Rather quickly... Way too hot!...
Our monkey is no ass,
She will fix this in a lick:
From a hole the waters flow?
There a finger she will stick!
"What's that? Burning?! No, no, no!!!"
No way to stay,
Let's run away!
What a chore,
Got to go, escape the heat
Out the door.
Waters flowing, burning feet...
Through a window... Crash! Escape!
Our soaked ape
Ends feeling plucky -
Best escapes are always lucky!
Translated by Marek Kazmierski